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Trouble Report PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 March 2007

About a trouble of software, I want to repair as much as possible.
You follow the rule as possible, so that I give a precise response

* There is rarely the case that an email does not touch me. You had better report it to this forum.

[In the case of a report to a forum]
You mention contents of a trouble in detail and the following matters to a forum of this site.
* A version of Tapur
* A version of Skype
* A version of the OS and a service pack
* Error messages

[In the case of a report by an email]
You mention contents of a trouble in detail and the following matters.
* A version of Tapur
* A version of Skype
* A version of the OS and a service pack
* Error messages

A log file is generated by the following folders.

C:\Documents and Settings\ (a login user name)\Application Data\Tapur\log

(a login user name)\AppData\Roaming\Tapur\log

You please attach a file made on the date and time when a trouble occurred to an email.
The log file is deleted when it passes more than 10 days.

E-mail address is support(a) (For an anti-spam, as for the following address, @ is displayed in (a) )

Last Updated ( Sunday, 01 August 2010 )
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