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Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 22 July 2010

[Help] menu offers following information:

[Online manual]
It is what you are reading right now.

[Lame MP3 ACM Codec]
If you use the LAME MP3, you can download the installler from here.

[Buy Options]
It shows Tapur License Purchase Application Form.

[Register Options]

It shows Register Options menu.
Copy and Paste your license code in this menu.


If you have following license code, you have to copy and paset from "EExu... " to "...Sw==".
Please take care not to insert Enter key in the middle of the line.


[Register Options]-[Confirm license]
You can confirm your license in Tapur.

[Register Options]-[Clear license]
You can clear your license in Tapur.

[About Tapur]
It shows information about version and copyright.


Last Updated ( Monday, 04 April 2011 )
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